Latest News

  • HarmonySite app now activated for all registered members
  •  Date Posted: Wed, May 1 2024
    As we discussed in Tuesday practice, we have activated the HarmonySite application for Members to use with your Smartphone (Apple or Android).  Go to members section as shown below and follow the instructions to download the free application.  Its fairly easy to set up and use, but we can do some group "setup/troubleshooting" before/after practice next week. 
  • Singing and Laughing
  •  Date Posted: Mon, Mar 18 2024
    Frank Houck, Jr - March 2024
    I love to talk about the big picture benefits of belonging to the Rocket City Chorus; the spiritual, soul-level benefits of singing: the confidence it can bring you, and the way it connects you to your community and your inner being. And that stuff is hugely important, but it is sometimes easy to forget that regular singing has tangible, real-world, physical benefits too.  

    For instance, did you know that singing can:
    • Boost immunity - Research into the immune system’s response to singing is still in the early stages, but studies so far look promising. When researchers tested the saliva of choir singers after an hour’s rehearsal, they discovered higher levels of immune enhancing proteins, Immunoglobulin A. Laughter may be the best medicine, but it looks like singing is not far behind. 
    • Combat stress - This is a biggie. After all, we have all heard about (and probably experienced) the many physical symptoms that come from being stressed. The headaches, the poor sleep, the weight gain, the tense muscles. When life is a bit crazy and you’re slammed with work, caring for your family, or other responsibilities, having a regular date with our chorus — taking the time to do something just for you — can be the tonic you need to relieve some of that tension. And you cannot beat belting out a powerful song as a form of mindfulness, keeping you in the moment, and helping you forget your troubles for an hour or two.
    • Improve heart health - Laughter is strong medicine. It draws people together in ways that trigger healthy physical and emotional changes in the body. Laughter strengthens your immune system, boosts mood, diminishes pain, and protects you from the damaging effects of stress. Nothing works faster or more dependably to bring your mind and body back into balance than a good laugh. Humor lightens your burdens, inspires hope, connects you to others, and keeps you grounded, focused, and alert. It also helps you release anger and forgive sooner. With so much power to heal and renew, the ability to laugh easily and frequently is a tremendous resource for surmounting problems, enhancing your relationships, and supporting both physical and emotional health. Best of all, this priceless medicine is fun, free, and easy to use.  Now, I am not saying that you can ditch fruit and oatmeal, but if you want to improve your heart health, singing is a great place to start. As with yoga practice, singing encourages you to concentrate on your breathing —as you breathe more consciously and slowly, your heart rate can also slow. And you do not have to tie yourself in knots in the process.
    • Give you a good night’s sleep - There is nothing worse than waking yourself up from a deep sleep with a great snort! And it is no picnic for anyone sharing a bed with a snorer either. Well, you can put away those ear plugs, I may have the answer for you right here. Snoring can be caused by weakened airway muscles vibrating and regular singing can strengthen these muscles, reducing vibrations, and ensuring a peaceful night’s sleep for everyone.
    • Improve posture - Norm mentioned last week that we’re probably all a little guilty of letting our posture slip; too much time spent at a desk or hunched over a laptop can play havoc with our back muscles but after a while your singing stance (standing up straight, shoulders back for better projection) can become a habit that will improve your posture as you go about your other daily tasks too.
    • Reduce asthma symptoms - This is another one that is still in the early stages of research, but it was too exciting to leave off the list as anyone who must live with asthma symptoms will understand. Again, it comes down to slow, concentrated breathing and the positive impact this can have on lung function. It is too soon to say for sure whether singing can help in the long-term, but for those who have mild asthma symptoms, it’s certainly worth a try!
    So, there you have it, great health benefits without setting foot in a gym, following a fad diet, or blitzing a green smoothie!
  • Chorus performs for Trash Pandas Baseball
  •  Date Posted: Wed, Jul 7 2021
    YouTube Video URL:
  • Rocketeers Sing National Anthem for Trash Pandas Baseball
  •  Date Posted: Wed, May 26 2021

    The Rocketeers, with Norm filling in on bass, performed the National Anthem for the Rocket City Trash Pandas in Madison on Tuesday, May 25th.  Pictured are Tony Vollers, Norm Myers, John Charlton, and Jim Savage. Photo courtesy of Rocket City Trash Pandas Baseball.
  • RCC News Blast May 5th
  •  Date Posted: Wed, May 5 2021

    May 5, 2021
    In This Email
    • Calendar 
    • VP of Music info
    • From the Secretary
    • Director's Corner
    • Rehearsals resume June 1st, recurring weekly
    • Perform National Anthem for the Trash Pandas Baseball on July 7th, Madison
    • Patriotic Performance - August 27th, Most Merciful Jesus Catholic Church, Madison
    From the Secretary

    Hey Barbershoppers.  I am excited to get back to singing with all of you.  We have some business to take care of soon.  With the return to singing, we need to also take care of our membership with BHS.  Please consider going to and renewing your lapsed/expired dues at your earliest convenience.  Before the pandemic we were 34 members strong, we are down to half of that now.  

    Also, with the return to rehearsals and performances, it is time to mark your availability on the under the events menu.  If you have issues with your login, just contact me at and I will help as soon as I can.

    All of the songs we will be preparing for should have learning tracks on the website, except Amazing Graze and Armed Forces Medley.  We will soon have learning track for those.

    Thank you in advance.
    - David

    NEW ITEM: We are scheduled to sing the National Anthem for the Rocket City Trash Pandas Minor League Baseball Team at Toyota Field in Madison on July 7th.  More news to come....

    From our VP of Music & Performance
    As was mentioned Tuesday on the Zoom meeting, we have decided to restart chorus rehearsals on 1 June 2021.  The location will be a temporarrry location of Mayfair Church of Christ on Carl T Jones Dr, in Huntsville, until First Baptist Church allows us back in.

    We will be limited to 35 person to gather just inside the main front door entrance.  The doors will be open and masks will be equired inside the building until we are seated in the chair, at which time it will be an individual decision on removing the mask.  There will be chairs already set up for our use,  We do not have to do any sanitizing when we leave for the night.  We will need to leave the chairs set up in the configuration we find them.  If you go to the bathroom, you need to wear the mask.  These are the only restrictions the church is going to place on us.

    In preparation for the performance at Mercy (Norms church) on 27 Aug, we are asking each of you to start reviewing the songs that we are planning on doing at the event.  You should already have tracks and music for the majority of the songs.  We ask that you at least go to the website and to our music library and download the tracks for the songs if you do not have them.  Start listening to them and be ready to jump right in to polishing, once we restart. - Jim
    Director's Corner

    We are excited about restarting rehearsals and getting back into performing. The songs below are largely Patriotic with a few others that the Chorus has done before.  We intentionally picked music that we can bring up tp speed quickly and support audience participation.

    Our first chorus performance is currently scheduled for 27 August 2021, Mercy Catholic Church. Our experience with the Mercy audiences has been outstanding. They requested we come back in August and again during the Christmas season.

    Our first rehearsal is scheduled for 1 June 21. We will go over the songs below (using the music) then sing these songs from memory. So please get them memorized/rememorized before you come to rehearsal. THANK YOU!!

    More to come in the following weeks. HOPE TO SEE YOU ALL ON THE FIRST!!! - Norm

    Songs (8) to Prepare for on 1 June: The Old Songs/Down Our Way, National Anthem, Amazing Grace, Hello Mary Lou, I've Been Working On The Railroad, Armed Forces Medley, Keep The Whole World Singing.

    Songs (16) to Prepare For By August:
    The Old Songs/Down Our Way, National Anthem, Amazing Grace, God Bless America, Hi Neighbor, *You're a Grand Ole Flag, Hello Mary Lou, Lion Sleeps Tonight, I've Ben Working on the Railroad, Ain't Misbehavin, *Please Mr Columbus,  God Bless the USA, Beach Boys Medley, Armed Forces Medley, Keep The Whole World Singing.

    The * means you may not have music at this time but that will be worked on in the near future.  You can at least be listening to the songs.

    David Murphree
    Rocket City Chorus
  • RCC News Blast for March 17th - SUSPENDED
  •  Date Posted: Sat, Mar 14 2020

    Eight Feet Wide singing for our Chorus in preperation for contest


    To the members of Huntsville Metropolitan Chapter, Rocket City Chorus. Your Board Members had a teleconference at 3:00 P.M. 14 March 2020 to discuss a path forward for the next couple/three weeks with regards the COVID-19 and rehearsal. After a discussion and review of some updated health charts from CDC and Alabama State Medical professionals, we determined the best course of action for our members and family members, we will suspend rehearsal for the next 3 weeks. This is to ensure that we do not pass the virus from member to member but also some of our family members have issues with a weakened immune system/respiratory system and we DO NOT to cause any issues for them. 

    The Board determined we will have a teleconference again in two weeks to assess where our Nation and the State of Alabama are regarding the COVID-19. We will hopefully have a better understanding the direction this issue is taking. We will contact all the Chapter members via the Section Leaders to ensure everyone is current on the status of the Huntsville Metropolitan Chapter, Rocket City Chorus. We need everyone to be present with us to continue making the great strides we have recently. If anyone has any concerns or issues please feel free to contact any of the Board Members, or you can call me on my cell phone at 256-617-2029 and if I don’t answer please leave a message and I will return your call.

    I would like to end in we will start working with those groups for whom we are scheduled to perform for. We will keep you informed of the upcoming performance via the web site. Please be safe, heed the advice from the Medical professionals and most important please take care of yourself and your loved ones.  

    Yours in Harmony,
    John Charlton
    Chapter President

    March 14, 2020
    In This Email
    • Script for Tuesday's Meeting
    • From the Prez
    • Director's Corner
    • Baseball Anthem Audition, March 7th, Madison
    • Dixie Spring Convention - Mar 20-22, Alabaster, AL
    • Arts Performance - April 24th
    From the Prez

    I would like to thank everyone who attend the Rocket City Trash Pandas National Anthem auditions, 7 Mar. The stadium looks amazing and when we are selected, we will provide a tremendous rendition of our great National Anthem. I believe the folks we auditioned in front of enjoy our straightforward singing. Looking down the road, our next big event is singing at Panoply on Friday evening. More information will be coming out so keep watching our website. One more thing to add; if you read through the Harmonizer, one article talks about the importance of pre-rehearsal warm-ups. So not only does it add 2 minutes and 38 seconds to your life, it really does help with singing. Again, I would like to thank everyone for the great performances we had Huntsville Havoc and Trash Pandas. - John

    Schedule for Tuesday's Rehearsal - 17 March.

    HEY FOLKS!  Just because we are not meeting doesn't mean we shouldn't keep working.  We encourage you to keep singing, it's good for your health, your lungs, and your spirit.  We're including our normal message of what we've worked on and what you should begin leanring.  Please take the time over the next 3 weeks to keep up to date on music learned and work on new music.  Let's dazzel our director with how prepared we are.
    Director's Corner

    SHOULD BE MEMORIZED NOW:    National Anthem, Hi Neighbor, Hello Marylou, I’ve Been Working on the Railroad, Lion Sleeps Tonight, Ain't Misbehavin

    CONTINUE WORKING:  When I’m 64, Darkness on the Delta, Please Mr Columbus, Daddy sang Bass, When I’m 64

    STAR WORKING: God Bless America, Armed Forces Medley, 

    NATIONAL ANTHEM AUDITION for TRASH PANDAS - Thanks again!!  You looked and sound great!!

    WEBSITE UPDATES: Thanks for your support. Please continue to update our future rehearsals/performances with your best guess as regards participation. Remember it can always be changed. Please note that we need this info to make informed decisions about our future performances/rehearsals

    Ain't Misbehaving, Armed Forces Medley, Beach Boys Medley, Daddy Sang Bass, Darkness on the Delta, God Bless America, God Bless the USA, Goodbye My Coney Island Baby/We All Fall Medley, Gospel Medley, Hello Mary Lou, Hi Neighbor, I'm Sitting on Top of the World, I've Been Working on the Railroad, Please Mister Columbus, The Lion Sleeps Tonight, Star Spangled Banner, When I'm 64 plus quartets.

    We are doing great!  Last Tuesdays rehearsal was superb! Please continue to PREPARE FOR REHEARSALS & MEMORIZE YOUR MUSIC AS REQUESTED! Thanks for your anticipated support! 
    - Norm

    David Murphree
    Rocket City Chorus
  • RCC News Blast March 6th
  •  Date Posted: Fri, Mar 6 2020

    RCC in the stands after singing the National Anthem for the Huntsville Havoc
    March 6, 2020
    In This Email
    • Script for Tuesday's Meeting
    • From the Prez
    • Director's Corner
    • Baseball Anthem Audition, March 7th, Madison
    • Dixie Spring Convention - Mar 20-22, Alabaster, AL
    • Arts Performance - April 24th
    From the Prez

    Hello fellow Barbershoppers. Wow what a rehearsal on 3 March. Great to see those type of numbers attending and learning. We need to continue that great attendance so we will be ready for our upcoming performances: 24 April Panoply, possible performances in May, and our show in June, July and August. If you have any questions about upcoming events, please see Jim Savage. With the cold and flu season upon us there is a good article in the Harmonizer about singers and sore throats. Lastly please take some time at home going over your sheet music and learning tracks. We purchase those items to assist in the learning process, they are a great tool. Hope to see everyone at all rehearsals. 


    BTW, we have a board meeting on 10 March at 5:00 P.M. As always, board meetings are open to all. Thank for all the hard work we did for the Huntsville Havoc.

    THIS WEEK - Special Guests - Eight Feet Wide will perform 2 of their songs as they prepare for the Dixie District Spring Contest.

    NOTE FROM WEBMASTER: We are still learning how to best use the website and email.  The website will always be the best place to find out the latest information on performances and rehearsals.  The weekly news blast will always be posted under "NEW & EVENTS" under "LATEST NEWS."

    Schedule for Tuesday's Rehearsal - 10 March.
    6:00 - Socializing/Tags/Quartet practice
    6:30 - Stretch/Warm-up/Business
                SPECIAL GUESTS: Eight Feet Wide Quartet
    6:45 - Review previous songs - Daddy Sang Bass, Please Mr. Columbus, Hi Neighbor, Darkness on the Delta
    7:40 - Break (10 mins)
    7:50 - Introduce new songs - Choreography for Armed Forces Medley, God Bless the USA, When I'm Sixty-Four
    8:30 - Dismiss
    Director's Corner
    Last Tuesday we had 29 folks at rehearsal - our growth is outstanding!

    Hello Mary Lou, Hi Neighbor, I've Been Working on the Railroad, Lion Sleeps Tonight, and Star Spangled Banner. Be prepared to do any of these during warm-up.

    NATIONAL ANTHEM for the HAVOC on February 29th, OUTSTANDING! Laudatory comments abounded!

    AUDTION - NATIONAL ANTHEM for TRASH PANDAS is March 7th. Toyota Field, show time - 9:45 am at the VIP entrance.  Toyota Field is located off of Zeirdt Rd. in Madison. Once you get on Zierdt, turn West onto Town Madison Blvd by the apartment complext still under construction and follow that road to the stadium. Audition window is 10:30 - 11:00. Dress is red chorus shirt, black pants, black shoes.

    WEBSITE UPDATES: Thanks for your support. Please continue to update our future performances with your best guess as regards participation. Remember it can always be changed. Please note that we need this info to make informed decisions about our future performances and rehearsals.

    Summer Songs:
    Ain't Misbehaving, Armed Forces Medley, Beach Boys Medley, Daddy Sang Bass, Darkness on the Delta, God Bless America, God Bless the USA, Goodbye My Coney Island Baby/We All Fall Medley, Gospel Medley, Hello Mary Lou, Hi Neighbor, I'm Sitting on Top of the World, I've Been Working on the Railroad, Please Mister Columbus, The Lion Sleeps Tonight, Star Spangled Banner, When I'm 64

    Please continue to PREPARE FOR REHEARSALS by MEMORIZING YOUR MUSIC AS REQUESTED! Thanks for your ongoning and anticipated support! Hope to see ya all next Tuesday - Norm

    David Murphree
    Rocket City Chorus
  • RCC News Blast February 27th
  •  Date Posted: Thu, Feb 27 2020

    Colin Bagwell presenting Robert Thom his Year 2 Membership
    February 27, 2020
    In This Email
    • Script for Tuesday's Meeting
    • From the Librarian
    • Director's Corner
    • Havoc Game - National Anthem, Feb. 29th
    • Baseball Anthem Audition, March 7th, Madison
    • Dixie Spring Convention - Mar 20-22, Alabaster, AL
    From the Librarian

    Sorry for taking the President’s Corner to put on my librarian hat. I will send out a list of music you should have in your 2020 Music book. When this list comes out, I will need everyone to carefully look through your music book and verify you have those songs list. At the same time I need you to pull out any music not on the list which is marked Rocket City Chorus. I am at that time frame I am trying to clean up my dining room table so my wife can utilize it for dining and not music storage. One of the biggest cost drivers for our Chapter is buying new music. It is not an issue if we have to purchase music to add because of new folks in our ranks that is a good thing. Now that we have finished up Singing Valentine’s and we will be complete with The National Anthem for the Havoc, we need to focus on learning the words for our 2020 show songs. Please spend some time at home reviewing those new songs. Hope to see everyone next week.
    - Thanks, John

    NEXT WEEK - Special Guests - Eight Feet Wide will perform 2 of their songs as they prepare for the Dixie District Spring Contest.

    Schedule for Tuesday's Rehearsal - 3 March.
    6:00 - Socializing/Tags
    6:30 - Stretch/Warm-up/Business
    6:45 - Review previous songs - Daddy Sang Bass, Please Mr. Columbus, Hi Neighbor, Darkness on the Delta
    7:40 - Break (10 mins)
    7:50 - Introduce new songs - God Bless the USA, When I'm Sixty-Four, and choreography for Armed Forces Medley
    8:30 - Dismiss
    Director's Corner
    OFF MUSIC/MEMORIEZED: Hello Mary Lou, Hi Neighbor, I've Been Working on the Railroad, Lion Sleeps Tonight, and Star Spangled Banner. Be prepared to do any of these during warm-up.

    NATIONAL ANTHEM for the HAVOC on February 29th, Meet at the VBC Ticket Office at 6:00 PM.  Gates open at 6:00 and we will perform at 7:00, lots of fans will be waiting to enter at 6, so allow plenty of time for parking at the VBC, it's a busy place.  Dress is red chorus shirt, black pants, black shoes.

    AUDTION - NATIONAL ANTHEM for TRASH PANDAS is March 7th. Toyata Field, show up at 9:45 am at the VIP entrance.  Audition window is 10:30 - 11:00 AM.  More details next week.  They are expecting a large number of people for auditions. Dress is red chorus shirt, black pants, black shoes.

    WEBSITE UPDATES: Thanks for your support. Please continue to update our future performances with your best guess as regards participation. Remember it can always be changed. Please note that we need this info to make informed decisions about our future performances

    Summer Songs:
    Ain't Misbehaving, Armed Forces Medley, Beach Boys Medley, Daddy Sang Bass, Darkness on the Delta, God Bless America, God Bless the USA, Goodbye My Coney Island Baby/We All Fall Medley, Gospel Medley, Hello Mary Lou, Hi Neighbor, I'm Sitting on Top of the World, I've Been Working on the Railroad, Please Mister Columbus, The Lion Sleeps Tonight, Star Spangled Banner, When I'm 64

    We are doing great!  Please continue to prepare for rehearsals (the key to our success) by working on the published plan. And most importantly - PREPARE FOR REHEARSALS & MEMORIZE YOUR MUSIC AS REQUESTED! Thanks for your anticipated support! Hope to see ya all next Tuesday - Norm

    David Murphree
    Rocket City Chorus
  • RCC News Blast - Feb. 21st
  •  Date Posted: Fri, Feb 21 2020

    Eight Feet Wide singing with Kenny Ray Hatton, lead of Bluegrass Student Union (1978 International Gold Medalists) on Valentines Day
    February 21, 2020
    In This Email
    • Script for Tuesday's Meeting
    • From the Board
    • Director's Corner
    • Havoc Game - National Anthem, Feb. 29th
    • Baseball Anthem Audition, March 7th, Madison
    • Dixie Spring Convention - Mar 20-22, Alabaster, AL
    From the Prez

    I would really like to thank all the folks from Rocket City Chorus for their hard work selling Singing Valentine’s and to Eight Feet Wide (Jerry Wilhoite, Ralph Cobb, Mel White and David Murphree), Extended Chords (David Gilfilen, Dick Savage, Frank Houck and Jim Priestle) and The Rocketeers (Tony Vollers, AD Barksdale, John Charlton and Jim Savage), the quartets which delivered the Singing Valentine’s. I know all the folks The Rocketeers sang to thoroughly enjoy receiving the SV. Jim Savage did a wonderful job again this year coordinating this event and ensuring all SV went off without a hitch. I will look at our Chorus and ask someone to step up and work with Jim next year. Please consider this position, it is not a full time commitment, but really only 1 maybe 1 ½ months long. Our next big event is singing our National Anthem for the great fans of the Huntsville Havoc on 29 Feb. We will meet outside the Von Braun Civic Center ticket office at 6:00 P.M. We will wear our red chorus shirts, black pants and black shoes. We may want to wear a shirt underneath or bring a lite jacket as the VBC can be a little chilly for some folks.
    - Thanks, John

    Schedule for Tuesday's Rehearsal - 25 Feb.
    6:00 - Socializing/Tags
    6:30 - Stretch/Warm-up/Business
    6:45 - National Anthem (from memory), Hello Mary Lou, I've Been Working on the Railroad, The Lion Sleeps Tonight, Hi Neighbor, Daddy Sang Bass
    7:40 - Break (10 mins)
    7:50 - Please Mr. Columbus, Darkness on the Delta, choreography for Armed Forces Medley
    8:30 - Dismiss
    Director's Corner
    Star Spangled Banner should be memorized now for our 29 Feb. performace at the Huntsville Havoc Hockey Game at the Von Braun Center.

    Please have these songs totally memorized by 3 March: Hi Neighbor, Hello Mary Lou, I've Been Working on the Railroad, and The Lion Sleeps Tonight.

    Continue to use your learning tracks from the CDs or our website and work towards memorizing.  TIP: Some memorize the words first, then the notes.

    WEBSITE UPDATES: Please continue to update your availability for all future perfomances on our events calendar.  If your availility changes, you can always go back and update.

    Summer Songs:
    Ain't Misbehaving, Beach Boys Medley, Daddy Sang Bass, Darkness on the Delta, God Bless America, God Bless the USA, Goodbye My Coney Island Baby/We All Fall Medley, Gospel Medley, Hello Mary Lou, Hi Neighbor, I'm Sitting on Top of the World, I've Been Working on the Railroad, Please Mister Columbus, The Lion Sleeps Tonight, Star Spangled Banner, When I'm 64

    Thanks for another great rehearsal last Tuesday. Before I knew it, we were out of time. Let's keep this trend going. See you Tuesday! - Norm

    David Murphree
    Rocket City Chorus
  • RCC News Blast February 14th
  •  Date Posted: Fri, Feb 14 2020

    Extended Chords delivering a Singing Valentine in Huntsville
    February 14, 2020
    In This Email
    • Script for Tuesday's Meeting
    • From the Board
    • Director's Corner
    • Havoc Game - National Anthem, Feb. 29th
    • Baseball Anthem Audition, March 7th, Madison
    • Dixie Spring Convention - Mar 20-22, Alabaster, AL
    From the Prez

    It was great to see so many of you at our weekly rehearsal and it was great to be back among friends. While in Phoenix, beside the possibility of being Coyote breakfast, lunch and/or dinner, I had a chance to attend a rehearsal for East Valley Harmonizers (EVH) with special guest Masterpiece. Wow, Norm spoils us by letting us remain seated for much of the rehearsal. The excitement in the air was tremendous for they are preparing for their annual show on March 8. It is always a pleasure to sing with the EVH, they are always so welcoming. I would like to ask our members to be more welcoming to any guests we might have. Never know when that guest may become a member because several of us took the time to welcome them. 
    - Thanks, John

    Schedule for Tuesday's Rehearsal - 18 Feb.
    6:00 - Socializing/Tags
    6:30 - Stretch/Warm-up/Business
    6:45 - National Anthem (from memory), Hi Neighbor, Daddy
               Sang Bass, Polecats
    7:40 - Break (10 mins)
    7:45 - Please Mr. Columbus, Gospel Medley 
    8:30 - Dismiss
    Director's Corner
    Please use your learning tracks and work on memorizing Hi Neighbor and Polecat songs.

    We will be singing the National Anthem on February 29th for the Huntsville Havoc Hockey game at the VBCC.

    Special thanks for continuing to update the website with your availability.  Please update future performances with your best guess.  If your schedule changes, you can always come back and make corrections.

    Target Summer Songs:
    National Anthem, Hi Neighbor, Gospel Medley, God Bless the USA, Darkness on the Delta, Ain't Misbehaving, Beach Boys Medley, Good By My Coney Island Baby/We All Fall Medley, Daddy Sang Bass, I'm Sitting On Top of the World, When I'm 64, Please Mr. Columbus, God Bless the USA, plus quartets.

    Thanks to all those that sold singing Valentines.  We had 3 quartets that had 33 deliveries.  The chapters made about $1400 from the effort.  Good job.  Thanks to The Rocketeers (Jim S. John, Tony, and AD), Extended Chords (Jim P., Frank, David G., and Dick) and Eight Feet Wide (David M., Mel, Jerry, and Ralph.). Eight Feet Wide got to sing for and with Kenny Ray Hatton, lead for Bluegrass Student Union, 1978 Gold Medlatists, and his wife, Kay.

    Last rehearsal was fantastic! Memorize your music!

    David Murphree
    Rocket City Chorus
  • RCC News Blast February 7th
  •  Date Posted: Fri, Feb 7 2020

    Sell Valentines for the Chapter! 7 days left!
    February 7, 2020
    In This Email
    • Script for Tuesday's Meeting
    • From the Board
    • Director's Corner
    • Board Meeting - Tuesday, Feb. 11th (before rehearsal, Board members required)
    • Singing Valentines - Friday, February 14th
    • Havoc Game - National Anthem, Feb. 29th
    • Baseball Anthem Audition, March 7th, Madison
    • Dixie Spring Convention - Mar 20-22, Alabaster, AL
    From the Prez

    We still have 1 week left to sell Singing Valentines.  This is a great money raiser for us.  Last year we made a little over $1500 with 29 bookings.  We have about 17 today. Feb. 29th is our Havoc Hockey game and we'll be singing the Anthem, wear read chorus shirt and black pants, same for March 7th audition.  Details on the website. Please continue to update your availability on the website or speak with your section lead. Our ladies are coming along very nicely with their Ladies Quartet. 
    - Thanks, John

    Schedule for Tuesday's Meeting
    6:00 - Socializing/Tags/Quarteting - Optional
    6:30 - Stretch and Warm-up
    6:40 - Business
    6:50 - First half of singing
    7:40 - Break (10 mins)(Quartet prep optional)
    7:45 - Second half of singing 
    8:30 - Dismiss
    Director's Corner
    • National Anthem (from memory)
    • Hi Neighbor
    • Gospel Medley
    • Please Mr. Columbus
    • Daddy Sang Bass
    Please use your learning tracks. Work on memorizing Hi Neighbor, Gospel Medley, and Please Mr. Columbus. Start by memorizing the words. Use the learning tracks to the fullest.

    We're singing the National Anthem at the Huntsville Havoc hockey game on Feb. 29th, VBCC

    Summer Song List (pending approval):
    National Anthem, Goodbye My Conely Island Baby/We All Fall Medley, God Bless America, Gospel Medley, Armed Forces Medley, Ain't Misbehavin, Beach Boys Medley, Daddy Sang Bass, Darkness on the Delta, God Bless the USA, Hi Neighbor, I'm Sitting on Top of the World, Please Mr. Columbus, When I'm Sixty-Four.  Plus quartets.

    Still jobs open for people to take, contact Jim Savage.


    David Murphree
    Rocket City Chorus
  • Annual Banquet and Officer Installation
  •  Date Posted: Sun, Jan 19 2020

    Rocket City Chorus - Huntsville Chapter, BHS
    Annual Banquet and Officer Installation

    Terranova's in Huntsville, AL

    Frank presenting John with a
    Certificte of Appreciation
    Frank receives a
    Certificate of Appreciate
    Jim receives a
    Certificate of Appreciation
    Norm and Tony receive a
    Certificate of Appreciation
    Dick present to David
    The Barbershopper of the Year
    2020 Huntsville Metropolitan Chapter Officers
    John, Jim, David G., Maggie, & David M.
  • RCC News Blast - January 19, 2020
  •  Date Posted: Sun, Jan 19 2020

    Huntsville Chapter Board 2020 - John, Jim, David G., Maggie, and David M.
    January 9, 2020
    In This Email
    • Script for Tuesday's Meeting
    • From the Prez
    • Director's Corner
    • Singing Valentines - Friday, February 14th
    • Havoc Game - National Anthem, Feb. 29th
    • Dixie Spring Convention - Mar 20-22, Alabaster, AL
    From the Prez

    David M., Daivd G., Randy, Colin, and John attended Dixie Leadership training for their jobs, thanks to them for going.  Thanks to Jim S. for leading us the past two weeks and welcome back to Norm.  Polecat 2 books are $22 if you still need one. Lastly and most important. SINGING VALENTINE’S, SINGING VALENTINE’S, SINGING VALENTINE’S. Please get out and sell our Chorus quartets. This is one of our fundraisers.
    - Thanks, John

    Schedule for Tuesday's Meeting
    6:00 - Socializing/Tags/Quarteting - Optional
    6:30 - Stretch and Warm-up
    6:40 - Business
    6:50 - First half of singing
    7:40 - Break (10 mins)(Quartet prep)
    7:45 - Second half of singing - quartets
    8:30 - Dismiss
    Norm's  Jim's Corner
    Please bring your Polecat II book with you Tuesday night.  Some are available for purchase.  Plan to work on the following:
    • National Anthem (perf on 29 Feb)
    • Darkness on the Delta
    • God Bless the USA
    • Ain't Misbehaving
    Handing out the following:
    • Daddy Sang Bass
    • I'm Sitting On Top of the World
    • Hi Neighbor
    TENTATIVE Summer Song List (pending approval):
    Gospel Medley, Armed Forces Medley, Ain't Misbehavin, Beach Boys Medley, Daddy Sang Bass, Darkness on the Delta, Give Me that Barbershop Style, God Bless the USA, Hi Neighbor, I'm Sitting on Top of the World, Please Mr. Columbus, Shenandoah, Tin Roof Blues, When I'm 64.

    David Murphree
    Rocket City Chorus
  • RCC News Blast - January 9, 2020
  •  Date Posted: Fri, Jan 10 2020
    Teaching Polecats to our new ladies in the chorus. Look soon for a ladies quartet.
    January 9, 2020
    In This Email
    • Script for Tuesday's Meeting
    • From the Prez
    • Director's Corner
    • Singing Valentines - Friday, February 14th
    • Havoc Game - National Anthem, Feb. 29th
    • Dixie Spring Convention - Mar 20-22, Alabaster, AL
    From the Prez

    We are moving forward with a lot of exciting avenues to explore. Several positions need to be filled. The biggest for now is Singing Valentine’s Chairman. We will begin working on our new music for our upcoming shows and sing outs. If you have any suggestions for our upcoming show, please send them to our returning Music and Performance Vice President, Jim Savage. - Thanks, John

    Schedule for Tuesday's Meeting
    6:00 - Socializing/Tags/Quarteting
    6:30 - Stretch and Warm up
    6:45 - Business
    6:50 - First half of singing
    7:45 - Break (5 minutes)
    7:50 - Quartet Singing/2nd half of singing
    Norm's  Jim's Corner
    Please bring your PoleCat I and II book (we will try to have some for those that need tem)  We will work the following songs:
    • Darkness on the Delta (Polecat II)
    • Goodbye My Coney Island Babe (Polecat II)
    • Star Spangled Banner (Perf on 29 Feb)
    • Ain't Misbehavin
    • God Bless the USA
    • Quarteting using Valentine's music (Polecat I book)
    Need each of you to visit the songs folder on the website and either download and listen to the following songs frequently:  Ain't Misbehavin, Darkness on the Delta, Beach Boys Medley, Goodbye My Coney Island Babe/We all Fall, Star Spangled Banner, Sweet and Lovely, Let Me Call You Sweetheart,  Story of the Rose (Heart of My Heart), and Sweet Adeline

    Summer Song List:
    Gospel Medley, Armed Forces Medley, Ain't Misbehavin, Beach Boys Medley, Daddy Sang Bass, Darkness on the Delta, Give Me that Barbershop Style, God Bless the USA, Hi Neighbor, I'm Sitting on Top of the World, Please Mr. Columbus, Shenandoah, Tin Roof Blues, When I'm 64.

    David Murphree
    Rocket City Chorus
  • Christmas performance at Most Merciful
  •  Date Posted: Fri, Dec 6 2019

    Here's a quick photo of the Rocket City Chorus from our December 6th performance at Most Merciful Jesus Catholic Church.  Video of The Sectret of Christmas provided by Effie.
    YouTube Video URL:
  • Armed Forced Medley - A Salute to our Troops!
  •  Date Posted: Fri, Dec 6 2019
    Here's our performance of the Armed Forces Medley as a salute to all of our troops currently serving, haved served, and their families.
    YouTube Video URL:
  • National Anthem Rehearsal
  •  Date Posted: Tue, Oct 29 2019
    Rocket City Chorus rehearses the National Anthem.  Hockey season is now and next year we'll have opportunities for the new Rocket City Trash Pandas' baseball team.
    YouTube Video URL:
  • Passing of Bud Warren
  •  Date Posted: Wed, Jun 19 2019
    Passing of Bud Warren

    We regret to announce the passing of one of our brothers in music.  Mr. Murray Edwin “Bud” Warren passed from this earth early Wednesday, June 19th 2019 at the age of 93.  Funeral service was Monday, June 24th at 11:00 a.m. with Dr. Gary Bradley and Jason Bybee officiating followed by burial at Maple Hill Cemetery. 

    Born in Canada in December 1925, Murray (Bud) came to the USA (hitchhiking from Ontario Canada to Searcy, Arkansas) in 1946 to attend Harding College, where he completed a bachelor's degree in Bible.  He went on to complete two master's degrees at Harding Graduate School in Memphis.  He then worked on a doctorate degree in counseling at New Orleans Baptist Seminary, where he studied family counseling.  He was a Church of Christ preacher for over 60 years and a licensed professional counselor in Alabama. 

    He loved music and enjoyed singing in choruses and especially loved the barbershop style of music.  He was a member of the Rocket City Chorus for 23 years and he sang bass as a member of a chapter quartet for 6 of those years.  Besides his love for music, he loved to fish and was an avid bear and deer hunter.

    In New Orleans, he met and married Iris Barrow Warren, his wife of 48 years.  He is also survived by three children, Buddy Warren, Bonnie Wiebers, Lake Ozark, MO and Teddy (Tarrin) Warren of Milano, TX; five grandchildren; two great-grandchildren; three sisters, Rose Miller, Dorothy Collier, and Betty Warren; two brothers, Jim Warren and Aubrey (Betty) Warren, all from Ontario.  He is preceded in death by two daughters, Connie Beth Warren and April Warren Page; three sisters, and four brothers. 

    Donations may be made to the April Ashlee Warren Page Nursing Scholarship at Harding University, Searcy, AR 27943.
  • Rocket City Chorus Performs at Panoply 2019
  •  Date Posted: Fri, Apr 26 2019
    Rocket City Chorus Performs at Panoply 2019
    The Rocket City Chorus performed at the Arts Huntsville - Panoply 2019 in Big Spring Park on Friday, April 26th.  They sang 14 songs, including some classic barbershop tunes and showcased some of their showtunes from their upcoming summer show.  Photos courtesy of Chris Brightwell of Huntsville, Alabama.

  • JD Horne - 47 Years!
  •  Date Posted: Tue, Apr 23 2019
    JD Horne - 47 Years!
    JD Horne has been singing since he was a teenager, joined the military, but returned to barbershop. His current membership is for 47 years! Though he does have more.  

    Pictured are JD on the left and Chapter Secretary, Jim Savage, on the right. 
  • RCC Clowning Around over 30 years ago - Throwback Photo!
  •  Date Posted: Tue, Apr 2 2019
    RCC Clowning Around over 30 years ago - Throwback Photo!
    Can you believe this?  Clowns?  You guys were terrorfying back then.  If I'd seen this yesterday, I'd pulled an April Fool's Day prank on you saying this is our new uniform.  We will have to find out who is still around from them and ask them "WHY?"  Thanks to Jim Savage for the photo.
  • APRIL FOOLS! Rocket City Chorus to Learn New Hee-Haw Themed Show
  •  Date Posted: Mon, Apr 1 2019
    For immediate release, April 1, 2019

    The Rocket City Chorus will be learning a new set of songs to go along with the new Hee-Haw theme in barbershop style for the summer show. Songs include:
    - Where Are You Tonight
    - Gloom, Despair & Agony
    - Hee Haw Theme Song
    - Dueling Banjos, A Capella 

    Director Norm Myers was quoted saying, "There's not enough 'twang' in barbershop, and we hope to correct that with this show."

    As a special surprise, we will have a Junior Samples look-a-like to host the show. It was easy to reach him, we just called BR549.

    President Dick Savage was excited for the new change and urged all chorus members to buckle up and learn them fast, and to also check today's date.
  • Throwback photo.
  •  Date Posted: Sat, Mar 30 2019

    Can anyone identify this quartet and it's members?  
  • Rocket City Chorus Sings at Vietnam Veterans of America, Chapter 1067, Gathering
  •  Date Posted: Sat, Mar 30 2019
    The Rocket City Chorus performed the Star Spangled Banner for the 8th Annual Vietnam Veterans Day Celebration, March 30th, 2019 at the Huntsville/Madison County Veterans Memorial.

    Photo courtesy of Richard Crimes, VVA 1067.Photo courtesy of Richard Crimes, VVA 1067.
    Photo courtesy of Richard Crimes, VVA 1067.Photo courtesy of Richard Crimes, VVA 1067.
  • RCC welcomes new members, Robert & Brian.
  •  Date Posted: Tue, Mar 26 2019

    You’re as welcome as can be. Welcome Robert & Brian to the Rocket City Chorus and the BHS!  
  • Rocket City Chorus Sings for Cancer Support Group at Mayfair CoC
  •  Date Posted: Mon, Nov 5 2018
    The Rocket City Chorus sang for and entertained the Cancer Support Group at Mayfair Church of Christ in Huntsville, Alabama on November 5, 2018.

  • Rocket City Chorus Sings for The Wall That Heals
  •  Date Posted: Sun, Nov 4 2018
    It was a pleasure for the Rocket City Chorus, under the direction of Col. Norman Myers, USA, Retired, to sing for the Veterans of the Vietnam War and their family members at the closing chapel service for The Wall That Heals as it departed Huntsville, Alabama on November 4, 2018.  Thank you all the Veterans in our chorus and our community who served or lost loved ones.

Copyright © 2025 The Rocket City Chorus